Krishna as Vishnu

Horacio Francisco Arganis Juarez h.arganisjuarez at YAHOO.COM.MX
Sat Feb 28 18:41:26 UTC 2009

Dear Professor:
 Referring to the ontological position of Krishna like Visnu, I recommend you to read all  Jiva Goswami's  work Krishna Sandharbha and the Caitanya Caritanmrita of Krishna dasa Kaviraja , Adi lila 2.
Horacio Francisco Arganis Juárez
LIc. M.A. Researcher Professor. 
Filosophy and Religius Studies Departament.
Universidad Internacional Euroamericana. UIE.
Instituto de Estudios Filosóficos A.C.
Instituto de Ciencias y Humanidades Bhaktivedanta. A. C.
Saltillo, Coah. México.

--- El sáb 28-feb-09, Harsha Dehejia <harshadehejia at HOTMAIL.COM> escribió:

De:: Harsha Dehejia <harshadehejia at HOTMAIL.COM>
Asunto: Krishna as Vishnu
Fecha: sábado, 28 febrero, 2009, 1:04 pm



I am researching multi-arm images of Krishna.


It seems to be that at some point Krishna ceases to be an avatara and becomes
Vishnu himself.


A case in point is Jagganath Puri where Krishna is Jagganath, an appellation
reserved for Vishnu.


A Nepali stone image (?12 th century) that I recently saw shows Krishna with 8
arms holding even a Sudarshan chakra.


Am I on the right track? Any help would be appreciated.




Harsha V. Dehejia

Ottawa, ON., Canada.

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