signature verses and cikacika?
Vincent Eltschinger
veltsch at OEAW.AC.AT
Wed Feb 25 23:29:16 UTC 2009
Dear Eli,
An interesting locus for caikacikya is Kar.nakagomin's PVSVT 122,10-15 ad
PV 1.44, in the context of the apoha theory.
Bis bald,
> A footnote to the discussion on signature verses. There are also such
> allusions in prose, for instance Aanandavardhana in Dhvanyaaloka
> (towards the very end of the commentary on the first verse--also
> identified as such by Abhinavagupta thereon: aananda iti ca
> granthakrto naama).
> I came across a most peculiar sounding word in
> Pramaanavaarttikalankaara 334,7, which I can't find in the
> dictionaries: caikyacikya. I assume it is derived from cikacika, and
> it must desribe some color (or shape) (ruupa). Any idea anyone?
> Quoting mkapstei at UCHICAGO.EDU:
>> It may be of interest in this connection that,
>> as I note in my article in
>> S. Pollock's Literary Cultures in History,
>> Sa skya Pandita actually compiled a short
>> anthology of such verses that involve the
>> author's self-praise. It is found in his
>> nga brgyad ma'i 'grel pa. This may therefore
>> be a useful source for locating some other
>> examples, preserved at least in Tibetan translation.
>> (All of Sa pan's examples are from Indian
>> Buddhist works.)
>> Matthew T. Kapstein
>> Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies
>> The University of Chicago Divinity School
>> Directeur d'études
>> Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris
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