Font/Print Problems

Jarrod L Whitaker whitakjl at WFU.EDU
Fri Aug 28 22:59:57 UTC 2009

Dear List:
I have just started experiencing some problems with character spacing 
when I print to various printers on VISTA Office 2007. I use Titus 
Cyberbit Basic Font, which I have had no problems to date. Essentially I 
am getting a separation of characters by a open blank space (esp. with 
vocalic "r" (r with open circle underneath), and many long accented 
vowels). I also have a problem with some characters just dropping 
out/disappearing from the page when printed (random characters in both 
Sanskrit and English, but all in Titus Cyberbit Basic). I just upgraded 
to a new computer with VISTA and Office 2007. Is any one else 
experiencing this problem? Thoughts? Is it a problems with new VISTA 
printer drivers? Office 2007?


*Jarrod L. Whitaker, Ph.D.*
Assistant Professor, South Asian Religions

Wake Forest University
Department of Religion
PO Box 7212
Winston-Salem, NC, 27109
Email whitakjl at
Tel: 336.758.4162
Fax: 336.758.4462


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