ha.msa in para-ha.msa and ha.msa-samde/sa
Christophe Vielle
christophe.vielle at UCLOUVAIN.BE
Fri Apr 17 12:06:56 UTC 2009
Hoping not to "grind flour" too much, I would say
that the double ha.msa's quality of travelling
freely the world and distinguishing milk mixed
with water (cf. Slouber's post), as reminded in
Puur.nasarasvatii Ha.msa-sa.mde/sa (9) :
pauna.hpu.nyaad bhuvanam akhila.m bhraamyata.h svairav.rtte.h
/saktasyoccair api samudite k.siiraniire vivektum |
maarga.m taavanmahita mahataa.m notsahe te pravaktu.m
jñaatajñaana.m na khalu sudhiyaa.m tu.s.taye pi.s.tape.sa.h ||
is enough for explaining why the name of this
migrating and vivekin bird, as "parama" denotes a
all-discriminating and super-liberated ascetic
(=? in the poem the su-dhii to whom the path,
maargam, to liberation is already known,
>I am grateful for the references, also the ones
>from the Yoga Upanishads. But they do not
>explain to me why this bird was selected as a
>model of a high type of (yogic performer? and)
>But already many thanks
>Victor van Bijlert
>Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 12:13:10 +0200
>From: Christophe Vielle <christophe.vielle at uclouvain.be>
>Subject: Re: rAjahaMsa in the ha?sasa?des´a
>Without being a specialist, the ha.msa seems
>rather to be connected with yoga in this case :
>the ha.msa as migrant bird being in some yoga
>texts a metaphor of the the Soul escaping from
>the sa.msaara (see Ha.msa-Up 1.5, K.surikaa-Up
>1.22), with also puns on the repetition of the
>word "ha.msa" (breathing in making "ham" and out
>"sa", Dhyaanabindu-Up 1.62, or ha.msa as the
>reverse of so'ham). The parama-ha.msa would be
>the one who has attained perpetual mukti from
>the nets of living. I rely here on the writings
>of the late Jean Varenne, Aux sources du yoga,
>Paris, 1989, pp. 68-70, and Upanishads du yoga,
>Paris, 1971, pp. 24-25, 110-11, 163.
>There probably exist more complete studies on the subject.
>Best wishes,
>Christophe Vielle
>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>Van: Indology [mailto:INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk] Namens Michael Slouber
>Verzonden: vrijdag 17 april 2009 11:54
>Aan: INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk
>Onderwerp: Re: rAjahaMsa in the ha.msasa.mde/sa
>It's the traditional notion of the ha.msa's viveka that is the source
>of comparison:
>n¥rak.s¥raviveka.m ca ha.mso vetti na cÇpara?
>(Garu.dapurÇ.na 3,17.48)
>Other examples are abundant.
>Michael Slouber
>PhD Candidate
>UC Berkeley
>On Apr 17, 2009, at 3:16 PM, victor van Bijlert wrote:
>> I am aware of the fact that the hamsa is the Anser Indicus, a kind
>> of goose.
>> Could anyone explain why the hamsa has been used as a metaphor of a
>> special
>> type of world-renouncer, the socalled paramahamsa? Is there anything
>> in the
>> behaviour of the bird that could have led to calling certain
>> renouncers
>> paramahamsa's? I know this is sidetracking, but it seems relevant in
>> connection with the discussion of the bird hamsa.
>> Victor
>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>> Van: Indology [mailto:INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk] Namens John C.
>> Huntington
>> Verzonden: vrijdag 17 april 2009 4:37
>> Aan: INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk
>> Onderwerp: Re: rAjahaMsa in the ha?sasa?des´a
>> Historically it is not a Swan but the Anser Indicus
>> John
>> On Apr 16, 2009, at 7:16 AM, victor van Bijlert wrote:
>>> In the logo of the Ramakrishna Mission a real swan also figures,
>>> not a
>>> goose. Apparently in the nineteenth century one regarded the hansa
>>> as a
>>> swan. The latter perhaps as an allusion to the image of the swan
>>> that will
>>> sing its most beautiful song when it feels it is going to die; a
>>> famous
>>> image found in Plato's Phaedo, 84e-85b? The idea in Phaedo is that
>>> Socrates
>>> as a philosopher knows he is going to die and expects to be united
>>> with the
>>> God Apollo.
>>> Victor van Bijlert
>>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>>> Van: Indology [mailto:INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk] Namens Christophe
>>> Vielle
>>> Verzonden: donderdag 16 april 2009 11:21
>>> Aan: INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk
>>> Onderwerp: Re: rAjahaMsa in the ha?sasa?des´a
> >>
>>> It is a real "swan" messenger that Raja Ravi
>>> Varma painted in his famous "Ha.msa-Damayantii"
>>> (1899) now displayed in the Sri Chitra Art
>>> Gallery, Tiruvanantapuram. See at:
>>> http://www.temple-trees.com/ravivarma/urrvprints.asp?printtype=2&pg=2
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Christophe Vielle
>>>> I expect you are familiar with this book:
>>>> Vogel, J. P., 1962, The Goose in Indian
>>>> Literature and Art. Memoirs of the Kern
>>>> Institute No. II. E. J. Brill, Leiden.
>>>> According to my notes, Vogel (good name?)
>>>> identified haMsa and rAjahaMsa with a mainly
>>>> white form of the Indian goose (Anser indicus),
>>>> and kalahaMsa with the greylag goose (Anser
>>>> anser).
>>>> Valerie J Roebuck
>>>> At 7:12 am -0700 15/4/09, Oliver Fallon wrote:
>>>>> I would like some help on the identity of the
>>>>> ra¯jaha?sa which is the subject of
>>>>> Veda¯ntades´ika's Ha?sasa?des´a. He tells us
>>>>> little of the bird except that he repeatedly
>>>>> stresses that it is a pure white water bird and
>>>>> that it has a beautiful call as it flies to
>>>>> which that of the peacock is unfavourably
>>>>> compared. I was first provoked into considering
>>>>> that this is not a goose by a comment in
>>>>> Shastriar's 1902 Madras edition of the poem,
>>>>> where he says: "ra¯jaha?sa is a species of swan
>>>>> with red legs and bills (sic). Compare
>>>>> 'ra¯jaha?sa¯s tu te cañcucaranair lohitais
>>>>> si¯ta¯?'"
>>> --
>>> http://belgianindology.lalibreblogs.be
>>> --
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