mana in heart or head?

Peter Friedlander peterfriedlander at YAHOO.COM.AU
Wed Apr 8 07:57:42 UTC 2009

Dear Colleagues,
I am looking at a, probably 16th century Nath Siddha work, the Gorakh Machindra bodh, and note that in it the seat of the mana is still located in the heart, not the head.
Nowadays in Hindi mana means both the heart and the mind, but I am not sure when it began its migration up into the head as it is now imagined. In particular was it only under the influence of western thought or are there pre-colonial period texts which speak of the seat of thought as being in the head?
Peter Friedlander
21 Hindhede Dr #04-04
Singapore, 589318
Handphone: (65) 90624357

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