Matsunami Seiren, Saundarananda edition

Birgit Kellner birgit.kellner at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Wed Nov 12 11:09:27 UTC 2008

Dear all,

I was wondering whether anybody has access to Matsunami Seiren's 1981 
edition of Aśvaghoṣa's Saundarananda and could let me know whether it is 
worthwhile consulting in addition to Johnston.

This is the bibliographical data:

松濤 [Matsunami], 誠廉 [Seiren]: "馬鳴端正なる難陀 {Memyo: Tanseinaru 
Nanda; *Aśvaghoṣa's Saundarananda}" Tokyo: 山喜房仏書林 [Sankibō 
Busshorin] (1981).

GRETIL's e-text of the SN is based on this edition 
A first comparison between this electronic version and Johnston yielded 
some differences that seemed odd and might be input errors.

In any case, I would welcome more information on Matunami's edition, the 
material on which it is based, and, if it is a substantial improvement 
over Johnston, how to get access to a copy. It appears that no European 
library whose catalogue is accessible via the Karlsruhe virtual 
catalogue ( has it ...

A further item of interest is this article:

松濤 [Matsunami], 誠廉 [Seiren]: "瑜伽行派の祖としての馬鳴 {Yugagyoha no 
so toshite no memyō; *Aśvaghoṣa as a forefather (?) of Yogācāra}." 大正 
大學研究紀要. 文學部・佛教學部 [Taishōdaigakukenkyūkiyō - bungakubu - 
bukkyōgakubu] 39 (1954), 191-224.

If anyone has a copy, I would appreciate one :-)

Thank you, and best regards,

Birgit Kellner

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