
Jean-Luc Chevillard jean-luc.chevillard at UNIV-PARIS-DIDEROT.FR
Fri May 23 17:10:53 UTC 2008

Since nobody seems to have mentionned it,
it might be useful to state here that
in volume 1 of the
"Catalogue of Jain Manuscripts of the British Library"
(by Nalini Balbir, Kanhaiyalal V. Sheth,
Kalpana K. Sheth and Candrabhal Bh. Tripathi)
[The British Library & The Institute of Jainology, London, 2006]
{ISBN 0 7123 4711 9}
we find on p.16 (Abbreviations) the following mention:

"[x]  the way to represent the cha, a symbol found at the end of 

I hope this is useful

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard (CNRS, Paris)

Peter M. Scharf a écrit :
> Dear Colleagues,
>     I would like to request your help in answering a question 
> regarding how to name or categorize a certain character in the Unicode 
> Standard.  Many Indic manuscripts use a decorative character that 
> looks like a devanagari cha without the horizontal bar to fill space 
> between dandas or double dandas at the end of manuscripts or between 
> chapters of a manuscript.  (flower shapes are often used similarly.)  
> Have any of you seen the "cha" pu.spikA in manuscripts or publications 
> of Buddhist, Jain, or other clearly non-Vedic (in the broadest sense 
> of the term) textual traditions?  If so, could you provide a reference 
> and or a digital image?
>     Thanks.
>     Peter
> *********************************************************
> Peter M. Scharf                           (401) 863-2720 office
> Department of Classics             (401) 863-2123 dept.
> Brown University
> PO Box 1856                               (401) 863-7484 fax
> Providence, RI 02912                Scharf at
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