Fwd: French Institute of Pondicherry / Publications January 2008

Jean-Luc Chevillard jean-luc.chevillard at UNIV-PARIS-DIDEROT.FR
Mon Jan 28 16:34:58 UTC 2008

Dear Indology list members,

Three new books have recently been published by the French Institute of 


-- Jean-Luc Chevillard (Paris)


    Streams of language : Dialects in Tamil.

Edited by Kannan M., Hors série n° 6, IFP, 2008, xxii, 335 p.
Language: Tamil, English, French.
* 500 Rs (18 €)

This volume is the outcome, independent, extended and enlarged, of an 
international conference, "Dialects in Tamil" held on August 23-25th 
2006 at the French Institute of Pondicherry. Dialects in Tamil emerge 
from a configuration of the following elements shared by people: caste, 
region, landscape and the material culture which sustains them...

This book is arranged in sections with the idea that rays of light from 
different fields will fall on the single subject before us. The order in 
which the sections are arranged indicates how the problematic of 
dialects in Tamil has been addressed in different contexts (by 
international scholars to linguists to Tamil creative writers). This 
arrangement also underlines the holistic, multidisciplinary approach 
undertaken in this volume. Tamil papers contain English abstracts and 
vice versa, so that both Tamil and English readers can benefit from the 

* Keywords: * dialects, Tamil, literature, linguistics

      About the author

Kannan M. (b.1968) is a researcher in Contemporary Tamil at the 
Department of Indology, French Institute of Pondicherry.


    Sabdabodhamimamsa. An inquiry into Indian theories of verbal
    cognition. Part III Subantapadarthavicaratmakah. Nominal stems and
    their significance.

N.S. Ramanuja Tatacharya with the collaboration of F. Grimal and S. 
Lakshminarasimham, Samskrtavarsasmrtigranthamala no 8 ; Collection 
Indologie no 100.3, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan / IFP, 2007, xi, 51, 456 p.
Language: Sanskrit.
*250 Rs * (Distributed by the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi)

This volume, third in the series under the project An Inquiry into 
Indian Theories of Verbal Cognition, is devoted to an analytical and 
critical study of nominal stems viz. underived, ending in the krt, 
taddhita and feminine suffixes, compound words, and indeclinables, 
according to the schools of Nyaya, Vykarana, Purvamimamsa, Advaita, 
Visistadvaita and Dvaita. Among the topics dealt with in this volume 
are: the nature of the relationship between a word and its sense, and 
its subdivisions (abhidha, laksana, gaunivrtti); the significance of a 
word, whether denoting a universal (jati), or an individual (vyakti), or 
the specific configuration of an object (akrti), or the blend of all 
three; the different forms of primary signification through which a word 
conveys the conventional sense (rudhi), etymological sense (yoga), the 
sense which is both conventional and etymological (yoga-rudhi), and also 
the conventional and the etymological senses that are different from 
each other (yaugika- rudhi).

* Keywords: *Indian philosophy, sastra-s, verbal cognition

      About the author

Professor Ramanuja Tatacharya is one of the senior authorities in the 
fields of Nyaya, Vyakarana, Purvamimamsa and Uttaramimamsa. Since 
retiring as Vice-Chancellor of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha of 
Tirupati, he has been associated with the French Institute of 
Pondicherry as Honorary Professor. His profound scholarship has earned 
him many awards, including the Certificate of Honour for Proficiency in 
Sanskrit conferred upon him by His Excellency the President of India. He 
was awarded the title of Darsanakalanidhi by the Madras Sanskrit College 
during its Centenary Celebrations.


    Companion volume to the Cenavaraiyam on Tamil morphology and syntax.
    Le commentaire de Cenavaraiyar sur le Collatikaram du Tolkappiyam
    vol. 2 : English introduction, glossaire analytique, appendices.

Jean-Luc Chevillard. Collection Indologie n° 84.2, IFP / EFEO, 2008, 526 p.
Language: English, French. * 900 Rs ( 32 €)

This companion volume to a French translation of the Cenavaraiyam, also 
intended as a help to the reading of similar texts, is part of an 
endeavour to document the development of the Tamil scholarly tradition. 
The central part of the book is an analytic glossary of all technical 
words and phrases used by Cenavaraiyar while commenting on the 
Collatikaram, a task which required him both to describe the Tamil 
language and at the same time to explain what the author of the 
Tolkappiyam had revealed about it. The original approach chosen by 
Jean-Luc Chevillard, a historian of linguistics, devotes as much 
attention to metagrammatical items as to grammatical ones. The focus is 
not on finding truths about language, but on examining for itself that 
ancient and interesting human rational activity: the building of grammars.

* Keywords: *Tamil, Tolkappiyam, Cenavaraiyar, metagrammatical

      About the author

Jean-Luc Chevillard (b. 1956), currently works at the French National 
Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS, UMR 7597, Université 
Paris-Diderot) and is the editor of Histoire Epistemologie Langage. A 
former member of the French School of Asian Studies (EFEO), he has been 
associated with research at the French Institute of Pondicherry (IFP) 
since 1989.


For your orders/enquiries, please contact:
Pour toute commande ou demande d'information, veuillez contacter:
French Institute of Pondicherry
11, St. Louis Street, P.B. 33, Pondicherry-605 001, INDIA
Phone: (91)-413-2334168. Fax:(91)-413-2339534
E-mail:library at ifpindia.org <mailto:library at ifpindia.org>

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