
Richard Salomon rsalomon at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Sat Feb 23 01:03:13 UTC 2008

My recollection is that Oskar von Hinu:ber recently published (or is going 
to publish) an article on this subject, but I don't remember the details. 
Maybe others will.

Richard Salomon

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Benjamin Fleming" <fleming_b4 at HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 4:46 PM
Subject: bhUmicchidra-nyAya

> Dear List,
> Does anyone know of the earliest or early use of the concept/phrase:
> bhUmicchidra-nyAya? This is a traditional property-law principle found on
> land grants. In secondary literature, a common translation or explanation 
> of
> the phrase is, <<rent-free enjoyment of land by one who brings it under
> cultivation for the first time>>. I have encountered it on plates issued 
> by
> the Buddhist king ZrIcandra, and know that its application extends beyond
> this particular context. I am curious as to its employment during or prior
> to the 10th century when ZrIcandra reined.
> Also, any help with regards to secondary literature would be welcome. I am
> familiar with some of Sircar's excellent work on inscriptions, but wonder 
> if
> something more recent has a discussion of this concept.
> Best Wishes,
> Benjamin Fleming

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