Axel Michaels
axel.michaels at YAHOO.DE
Sat Feb 9 17:35:59 UTC 2008
16 Graduate Scholarships in Asian and European
Transcultural Studi
16 Graduate Scholarships in Asian and European
Transcultural Studies
Sixteen full graduate scholarships ranging from
1000 to 1400 € per month (depending on family allowance) are offered by the Graduate School
of the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe
in a Global Context. Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows” at the University of Heidelberg for 2008. The scholarships
are available to both home/EU and overseas students up to age thirty. Eight
scholarships are reserved for students from Asia.
Applicants are required to have graduated
by the time of their application at a Master level or its equivalents. Students
are required to actively participate in the studies programme of the Graduate School.
Applications will be evaluated on the basis
of academic qualifications, a research
proposal related to one of the Cluster’s research areas, letters of reference,
and other professional experience. For information on the Cluster’s research
areas, see
Deadline for applications is May 1st 2008. For further information
and electronic submission see Graduate
School for Transcultural
Studies, Please note
that electronic submission is mandatory.
Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels (Acting Director of the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe", Speaker of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 619 "Dynamics of Ritual"), University of Heidelberg, South Asia Institute, Im Neuenheimer Feld 330, D-69120 Heidelberg, Tel. +49-6221-548917 / Fax +49-6221-546338,,,, Axel.Michaels at
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