Muslim widows in India

Ute Huesken ute.huesken at URZ.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
Sat Dec 6 21:14:21 UTC 2008

Dear all,
a student asked me for literature on the situation of Muslim women in  
India, compared to Hindu women, specifically on widows.
Is there any literature out there on that topic?
Thanks in advance
Ute Huesken

Ute Huesken
Professor of Sanskrit
Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages
University of Oslo
Faculty of Humanities
P.O. Box 1010 Blindern
N-0315 Oslo

Room 387, P.A. Munch's Building
phone: +47 22 85 48 16
telefax: +47 22 85 48 28
ute.huesken at

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