buried images

Claudine Picron cbpicron at GMX.DE
Mon Apr 21 05:59:56 UTC 2008

Have a look at Michel Strickmann, "Mantras et mandarins, Le bouddhisme 
tantrique en Chine", Paris: NRF/Éditions Gallimard, 1996, pp. 182-3 quoting 
a South Indian source of the 9th - 10th c., after Paul Mus ("La tombe 
vivante...."  quoted in Strickman, p. 450 note 31); see the same p. 353 with 
reference to burying "five treasues and five cereals" in the preparation of 
the homa.
Cl. Bautze-Picron.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Smith, Frederick M" <frederick-smith at UIOWA.EDU>
To: <INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk>
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 6:31 PM
Subject: buried images

Does anyone know if there is a history of burying statues or any other sorts 
of images in the ground for apotropaic or prophylactic purposes. I came 
across references to burying images of Demeter and other goddesses in the 
Greek (and Roman) world, and wonder if there is any such parallel phenomenon 
in India or Southeast Asia. It seems to me that I have read about this 
somewhere, but can't recall where.

Fred Smith
Univ. of Iowa

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