Fwd: Publications

Jan E.M. Houben j_e_m_houben at YAHOO.COM
Tue Oct 23 06:21:48 UTC 2007

Christopher Freeland <freelandchristopher at YAHOO.COM> wrote:  Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 03:37:21 -0700
From: Christopher Freeland <freelandchristopher at YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Publications
To: INDOLOGYCOMMITTEE at liverpool.ac.uk

        Dear Sir or Madam
  On the suggestion of Professor JL Brockington, I write to you as the duty member of the committee in charge  
of the INDOLOGY list to ask if you would be kind enough to forward a message to that list.
  I am about to publish two books (they were completed in  1975 but only now in my retirement was I able to prepare them):
    The Sanskrit-English Philosophical Wordlist is a compendium with about three thousand five hundred terms compiled in order to help the author read and study Shankara’s Kevaladvaita system of philosophy, which logically enough refers to terms employed by other Hindu and Buddhist philosophical systems, as well as some inevitable mythological references. There is a definite bias towards non-dualistic thought and in the interpretation of the terms. Where possible the root word has been included with the entry to satisfy curiosity or aid further investigation. For etymologists concerned by historical setting, textual reference is often provided in which the expression appears and thus the time of its use can then be deduced. The wordlist is intended for students of Indian philosophy and language. Foreword by Professor J.Gonda of Utrecht University.
  ISBN: 978-974-7046-78-6 Cloth bound quarto, approx. 359 pp. Price: 50 euros. Printed by OS Printing, Bangkok
  The Yoga Vasishta Ramayana (YVR) is an eleventh century (CE) text and probably the earliest extant treatise on Vedanta. As is common to the Indian tradition in such matters, it is in dialogue form. Unlike the Gita, which albeit very inspiring and wonderfully enriching as it meanders in a more worldly and human context, the YVR goes directly to the point and repeatedly drives home what is required for man’s salvation – an end to mentation, for everything in any world is just ideation. As fresh today as it was no doubt when Valmiki wrote it a thousand odd years ago, the message is simple and compelling. For the first time(to my knowledge)  the entire Sanskrit text was translated and edited by Swami Pranav Tirtha and Swami Chidananda Tirtha (aka Christopher Freeland), as part of the latter’s apprenticeship.
  ISBN: 978-974-7046-77-9 Cloth bound quarto, approx. 160 pp. Price: 35 euros. Printed by OS Printing, Bangkok.
  For any further information, please contact Christopher Freeland Ph.D., 102/1 Muangkaew, Tambon Maerim, 50180 Chiangmai, Thailand or freelandchristopher at yahoo.com
  Thank you very much for your attention and hopefully kind cooperation,
  Yours sincerely
  Christopher Freeland

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Prof. Dr. Jan E.M. Houben,
Directeur d Etudes
Chaire: Sources et Histoire de la Tradition Sanskrite
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, SHP
A la Sorbonne,45-47, rue des Ecoles,
75005 Paris -- France. 
JEMHouben at gmail.com

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