Forwarded message from John Cort

Harry Falk falk at ZEDAT.FU-BERLIN.DE
Fri Jun 8 14:12:18 UTC 2007

could it be one of the numbers of letters in the aksamala? = complete 
vac = sarvam idam?

Deshpande, Madhav schrieb:
> On behalf of the Indology Committee, I am forwarding the following message from John Cort:
> Madhav M. Deshpande
> Forwarded message:
> Does anyone have any theories for the widespread cultural significance
> of 52 in South Asia?  There are 52 eternal Jain temples on Nandisvara
> Dvipa, 52 Viras or Bherus, 52 Sakta pithas, 52 battles in the Alha epic,
> and I'm sure other sets of 52?
> Ideas?
> John Cort
> Denison University

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