Indology and "the disastrous ideology of the 'pure Aryan race'"

George Thompson gthomgt at COMCAST.NET
Wed Jan 10 19:20:21 UTC 2007

Dear Harry,

I thank you [and Peter Wyzlic] for providing the background to 
"Ahnenerbe."   I will defer to those who would  like to see this 
discussion end, but first I will answer your question:

 I have read only portions of the book.  I have interest, of course, in 
the territory that it covers, but not quite so much interest in or 
knowledge of the era.  I prefer to till Vedic soil. 

What I have read [passages dealing with Buddhism, Gandhara, 
Zoroastrianism, etc.] revealed no evidence of the ideology that this 
discussion has been about.  I should add that this volume also has a 
veru useful collection of 142 photographs that illustrate the art, 
architecture, coinage, of the period, as well as the landscape.

Best wishes,

George Thompson

Harry Falk wrote:

>    By the way, George, did you read the book? Did it contain anything 
> that was worth remembering?
> Harry Falk

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