Yoga Consultation Call for Papers AAR 2007

Stuart Ray Sarbacker s-sarbacker at NORTHWESTERN.EDU
Fri Feb 16 23:39:10 UTC 2007

Dear Colleagues,

Apologies for cross-posting.

Below I have copied the 2007 Call for Papers for the American Academy  
of Religion's "Yoga in Theory and Practice Consultation." The AAR  
meeting will be held November 17-20th, 2007, in San Diego,  
California. We were greatly pleased by the range and quality of the  
proposals received last year, and strongly encourage those  
considering submitting a proposal this year on a topic related to  
yoga to do so to our consultation. The Call for Papers includes  
topics especially of interest to the consultation, though submissions  
on other topics will be considered. A list of contacts is provided as  

Submissions should be made through the OP3 system, which can be found  
at the following link:

The deadline for submissions is March 1st, 2007.


2007 Call for Papers

Yoga in Theory and Practice Consultation

The consultation seeks papers on the topic of Yoga in Theory and  
Practice from a variety of perspectives, including sociology,  
anthropology, history of religions, philosophy and theology, and  
cultural studies. Contacts are listed for potential joint proposals.  
Submissions should be made through OP3. Christianity and yoga (Cleo  
Kearns, cmkearns at; freedom and submission in guru traditions  
(Lola Williamson, willill at; modern meditational yoga  
(Lloyd Pflueger, lloyd at; celebrating Gerald Larson’s  
Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophy yoga volume (Knut Jacobson,  
knut.jacobsen at; gender in yoga (Laura Cornell,  
laura at; yoga in early modern India (Andrew Nicholson,  
ajnicholson at; definitions of yoga and religion  
(Jim Laine, laine at; Frederick Smith’s The Self  
Possessed (Stuart Sarbacker, s-sarbacker at; mysticism  
and yoga (with the Mysticism Group), and; the categories of "yoga"  
and "tantra" (with the Tantric Studies Group).


We greatly look forward to reading your proposals in the coming month.

Best Wishes,
Stuart Ray Sarbacker
Northwestern University
s-sarbacker at

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