[Indo-Eurasia] **The Farmer-Sproat-Witzel Model

Asko Parpola asko.parpola at HELSINKI.FI
Sat Feb 10 21:19:35 UTC 2007

Quoting Michael Witzel <witzel at FAS.HARVARD.EDU>:
> It should perhaps be added here that, after the publication of Asko's 
> paper in Japan, we offered him "CA" style treatment in EJVS, that is, 
> for those who do not know the scheme:
> The leading journal "Current Anthrolopogy" publishes important papers, 
> but also invites immediate criticism by specialists that gets published 
> along with the paper. The author then gets the last word, --  all in 
> the same issue.
> Our offer to Asko for "CA" treatment in EJVS  has never been answered.
> Perhaps we can discuss the salient features now, 18 months later, on 
> **********************

There are some misunderstandings here. In May and June 2005, I read two 
invited papers at the Tokyo and Kyoto sessions of the International 
Conference of Eastern Studies. My Tokyo lecture was to be published in the 
Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies No. 50, 
while there would be only a summary of my Kyoto paper (it appeared on pp. 
201-202). When I shortly afterwards attended the Kyoto-Harvard Roundtable 
organized at Kyoto on June 6-8 2005 by Toshiki Osada and Michael Witzel, I 
was anxious to make my Kyoto lecture more widely available soon, and asked 
Michael if a pre-print version could appear in the Electronic Journal of 
Vedic Studies -- I had obtained permission for this from the Association for 
the Study of the History of Indian Thought in Kyoto, which through Professor 
Masaaki Hattori had invited my to publish the paper in their journal; this 
journal was to be renamed and from the forthcoming issue onward to be called 
"Journal of Indological Studies". Michael kindly promised to publish the 
paper in the EJVS as soon as I would send it to him. It took me some time, 
however, to revise the paper in view of the constructive criticism that I 
received from Werner Knobl and Stanley Insler, and as the paper thereafter 
was published very quickly, I no more felt the need to send it to the EJVS. 
The paper was entitled "The Nasatyas, the Chariot and Proto-Aryan Religion", 
and it came out in Journal of Indological Studies Nos. 16-17 (2004-2005): 
1-63, Kyoto, December 2005. A PDF of it is available at the following 
I regret that I did not notify Michael when deciding not send my paper to 
the EJVS, that I missed the chance of getting a "CA"-like treatment (he 
undoubtedly offered this, but I somehow missed it during our conversation, 
which took place in the rush of workshop dispersal), and that he 
misunderstood that I was talking about my Tokyo paper. 

With best regards,

Asko Parpola
Institute for Asian and African Studies
POB 59 (Unioninkatu 38 B)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

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