Si.mharaaja's Praak.rtaruupaavataara ?
Roland Steiner
Thu Dec 20 10:38:04 UTC 2007
Si.mharaaja's Praak.rtaruupaavataara is a Prakrit grammar which
comments on the same suutras as were commented by Trivikrama. It has
been excellently edited by Eugen Hultzsch:
Prakritararupavatara. A Prakrit Grammar based on the Valmikisutra. By
Simhararaja Son of Samudrabandhayajvan. Ed. by E. Hultzsch. [London:]
1909. (Prize Publication Fund. I.)
According to Luigia Nitti-Dolci (Les grammairiens Prakrits, Paris
1938, p. 185),
Si.mharaaja's commentary is very poor ("très pauvre"), since it does
not give examples taken from literary texts ("ne donne pas d'exemples
tirés de textes littéraires"), but is a meagre catalogue of forms ("un
aride catalogue de formes"). S.'s commentary is entirely independent
of Trivikrama's commentary ("son commentaire est absolument
indépendant de celui de T.")
Best wishes,
Roland Steiner
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