
Himal Trikha himal.trikha at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Thu Aug 23 13:21:53 UTC 2007

Dear members of the forum,

the Sanskrit word dhava designates (as far as I can make out) two 
different plants:

1. grislea tomentosa, a hard, blood-red clustered bush

2. anogeissus latifolia, a large erect deciduous tree, 9-15 meters 
(sometimes 24 m) used for the production of gum

I wonder if anyone of you is aware of classical sources mentioning that 
the height of anogeissus latifolia is above average?

The background of my question is a passage in the SatyazAsanaparIkSA, a 
text of the Jain author Vidyanandin, that states with regard to the 
anekAntazAsana, i.e. "Jain philosophy":

tad eva satyazAsanadhavIm AroDhum ISTe.
So far I translate:
"This (anekantazAsana) alone is able to rise up to (being) the possessor 
of the true doctrine."

One of the problems with this translation is that for dhava no femininum 
ending in -I is attested, neither for the designation of the social 
function nor for the plant/s. But as an alternative name for dhava, 
namely dhAtakI, is in the femininum, I thought that the word dhavI could 
  designate anogeissus latifolia, used as an metaphor for an exceptional 
high viewpoint, from which you can oversee the surroundings.

Thank you very much for any suggestion!

With best regards

Mag. Himal Trikha
Institute for Southasian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Vienna University

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