[Fwd: ORIENT: Primoz Pecenko]

McComas Taylor mccomas.taylor at ANU.EDU.AU
Sun Aug 5 23:34:59 UTC 2007

Dear Colleagues

Please find attached an obituary for our dear friend and colleague 
Primoz Pecenko.
Primoz suffered a massive heart attack while walking his dog with his 
wife Tamara and son Alexander (whom we all remember fondly from 
Edinburgh) one evening last week. He died two days before his 60th birthday.



Dr McComas Taylor
Head, South Asia Centre
Faculty of Asian Studies
The Australian National University

Tel: +61 2 6125 3179
Fax: +61 2 6125 8326

Email: mccomas.taylor at anu.edu.au
URL: http://asianstudies.anu.edu.au/wiki/index.php/Dr_McComas_Taylor
Location: Room E4.26 Baldessin Precinct Building 

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