Sanskrit diactitics in Endnote

Peter Wyzlic pwyzlic at UNI-BONN.DE
Fri Sep 8 16:07:10 UTC 2006

Am 08.09.2006 um 11:37 schrieb Lars Martin Fosse:
>> McComas Taylor:
>> I wonder if anyone has any experience of getting Sanskrit
>> diacritics in a font like URW Palladio to work in the Endnote
>> package. I look forward to hearing back from you.

> I don't think EndNote handles special fonts like that, at least  
> none of my
> versions did. This is actually quite frustrating.

That may depend on outdated releases. Recent versions of Endnote (v.  
9 for Windows and Endnote X for Mac OS) are said to be capable to  
manage unicode input. I have just installed the 30 day trial version  
on my Mac and played with it. Actually, it seems to work. It is  
possible to input Latin scripts with all relevant diacritics as well  
as Asian alphabets (I have tried Japanese).
Here a screenshot: 

Export in unicode encoding (UTF-8) also works.

Hope it helps
Peter Wyzlic

Peter Wyzlic
pwyzlic at

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