
Walter Slaje slaje at T-ONLINE.DE
Fri Sep 1 11:39:00 UTC 2006

See also:

Fiser, Ivo: The problem of the setthi in Buddhist Jatakas. In: ArOr 22(1954), S.



>   Valerie J Roebuck <vjroebuck at MACUNLIMITED.NET> wrote:
> > Does anyone know of any research that has been done on 
> >the figure of the seTThi or zreSThin, usually translated 
> >as 'Treasurer',  in Buddhist texts?  I am particularly 
> >interested in the development in the Dhammapada 
> >commentary, where he in fact seems to function as a 
> >wealthy banker or money-lender (though without the usual 
> >negative connotations of the latter), but with almost 
> >magical powers over money, as a result of kamma/karma in 
> >previous lives.

Prof Dr Walter Slaje
Hermann-Loens-Str. 1
D-99425 Weimar (Germany)
Tel/Fax: +49-(0)3643 501391

Ego ex animi mei sententia spondeo ac polliceor
me studia humanitatis impigro labore culturum et provecturum
non sordidi lucri causa nec ad vanam captandam gloriam,
sed quo magis veritas propagetur et lux eius, qua salus
humani generis continetur, clarius effulgeat.
Vindobonae, die XXI. mensis Novembris MCMLXXXIII.

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