U. Wisconsin Summer Sanskrit

Stella Sandahl stella.sandahl at UTORONTO.CA
Sun Jan 29 01:53:28 UTC 2006

I am somewhat surprised that the advertised Sanskrit courses do not seem to
qualify students to take Intermediate or Advanced Sanskrit in Canada. Or do
you believe that Canada is just one of the United States? (The latter
happens frequently - Ronald Reagan called Canada "Acidrainia - a totally
owned US subsidiary").
Stella Sandahl

Professor Stella Sandahl
Department of East Asian Studies
University of Toronto
130 St. George Street, Room 14087
Toronto, ON M5S 3H1
Phone: (416) 978-4295
Fax: (416) 978-5711
stella.sandahl at utoronto.ca
on 01/28/2006 14:01,  Whitney Cox at wmcox at UCHICAGO.EDU wrote:

> Dear friends,
> I'm forwarding the following to the list on behalf of my
> colleague Ethan Kroll.
> Best,
> Whitney Cox
> Dear All:
> I ask that you encourage any interested parties to
> consider taking elementary or intermediate Sanskrit at the
> University of Wisconsin-Madison's South Asia Summer Language
> Institute from June 19 to August 11, 2006.
> Elementary Sanskrit will provide a knowledge of Sanskrit
> sufficient to permit students to enter any Second-Year
> Sanskrit course in the United States or Europe.
> Intermediate Sanskrit will endow students with the ability
> to enter any Third-Year Sanskrit course in the United States
> or Europe.
> For further information and online registration please go to:
> http://www.wisc.edu/sasli
> Best,
> Ethan Kroll
> University of Chicago

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