Sanskrit recordings

Timothy Lubin LubinT at WLU.EDU
Mon Jan 9 22:13:41 UTC 2006

I possess a privately made cassette of Prof. Nagaraja Rao, of Mysore,
illustrating various meters in a quite beautiful style of chanting. 
Most of the examples are from the works of Kaalidaasa and from
Bhart.rhari's "Satakatraya.  In the course of this he also recounts some
amusing anecdotes about Appayadiik.sita.
I will see about getting these recordings transferred to digital format
so that it can be made readily available if anyone else is interested.
Tim Lubin
Washington and Lee University

>>> mkapstei at UCHICAGO.EDU 12/29/05 7:48 PM >>>

Can anyone recommend some goods sources for digital
recordings of spoken Sanskrit, Sanskrit poetry and dramatic
recitation, etc.? Examples of the chants used for
reciting various meters would be of particular interest.
A recorded anthology of Sanskrit poetry, I suppose, is too
much to hope for just yet.

Matthew Kapstein

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