H-ASIA: Murray Emeneau (Feb 24, 1904 - Aug 29, 2005)

Frank Conlon conlon at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Mon Sep 19 20:55:16 UTC 2005

The following note was published today on H-ASIA and might be of interest 
to some members of the Indology list.


September 19, 2005

Obituary of Professor Murray Emeneau, Feb. 24, 1904 - Aug 29, 2005
(x-post University of California, Berkleyan)
Ed note:  I have put together a bibliography of publications by Professor
Emeneau, but there may be omissions, and I suspect the number of
articles and chapters in volumes would be enormous.          FFC

Murray Emeneau

14 September 2005

Murray Barnson Emeneau, emeritus professor of linguistics and Sanskrit, died in 
his sleep on Aug. 29 at the age of 101, in his Berkeley home. He was an expert 
in "language areas" and the Dravidian languages of south and central India and 
founder of the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages.

Born on Feb. 28, 1904, in Lunenberg, Nova Scotia, Emeneau, a Rhodes Scholar, 
received his Ph.D. at Yale University in 1931. He worked for several years as a 
lecturer and researcher in Sanskrit at Yale, where he was heavily influenced by 
Edward Sapir, one of the greatest linguists of the 20th century. On Sapir's 
suggestion, Emeneau went to India in 1936 to work on Toda, a non-literary 
Dravidian language. He stayed in India for three years, doing linguistic 
fieldwork on the Toda, Badaga, Kolami, and Kota languages.

Emeneau was hired in the classics department at Berkeley in 1940 as an 
assistant professor of Sanskrit and general linguistics. He became an associate 
professor in 1943 and was promoted to full professor in 1946. He wrote 21 books 
and, by the time of his death, his other publications numbered in the triple 

When Emeneau first went to India, no linguistic fieldwork on the non-literary 
Dravidian languages had been done. Emeneau created this field through work that 
includes grammars of Kolami and Toda and a three-volume Kota text. Another of 
Emeneau's major achievements in Dravidian studies is the Dravidian Etymological 
Dictionary, written with Thomas Burrow and first published in 1961.

Emeneau is also generally seen as having initiated the modern field of 
"linguistic areas" in his 1956 article "India as a Linguistic Area," which was 
published in the issue of Language that honored Berkeley anthropologist Alfred 
L. Kroeber on his 80th birthday.

Emeneau's work in this field continued with studies of mutual linguistic 
influences, including a 1962 book on Dravidian borrowings from Indo-Aryan. In 
the history of linguistics at Berkeley, he mediated between Kroeber's interest 
in "culture areas" and the larger-scale areal focus of Johanna Nichols, a 
professor of Slavic languages.

He persuaded Berkeley to establish a Survey of California Indian Languages and 
a Department of Linguistics, which he chaired from 1953 to 1956. After a year's 
sabbatical, he resumed the post for one year.

The Survey of California Indian Languages later became the Survey of California 
and Other Indian Languages, indirectly succeeding the Ethnographic and 
Linguistic Survey of California established by Kroeber in 1901. "It was and 
remains an immensely significant institution for the documentation of the 
indigenous languages of California and elsewhere in the United States outside 
Alaska and Hawaii," said Andrew Garrett, acting director of the survey and a 
Berkeley professor of linguistics.

In the 1950s, '60s, and '70s, under the leadership of Mary Haas, a fellow 
student of Sapir's whom Emeneau hired, generations of graduate students 
documented words, grammatical structures, and texts in dozens of California 
languages, Garrett noted. Some of those languages have few or no remaining 
native speakers today, he added.

Now, he said, the mission of the survey has expanded to include language 
documentation throughout the United States and in other parts of the Western 
hemisphere -- as well as numerous projects designed to make the results of that 
documentation accessible to native communities in California. "It is now 
probably the most important university archive of documentary material on the 
languages of the continental U.S.," Garrett said.

Emeneau gave the Berkeley Faculty Research Lecture in 1956. On his retirement 
from the campus in 1971 he received its highest honor, the Berkeley Citation. 
Among his many other honors, Emeneau was the recipient of four honorary 
degrees, the Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal from Yale, and the Medal of Merit of the 
American Oriental Society. He was a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and 
Sciences and the British Academy, and an honorary member of the Linguistic 
Society of India. He was the sole honorary member of the Philological Society, 
the oldest linguistic professional society in the English-speaking world.

Emeneau is survived by a stepdaughter, Phyllis Savage, of Tustin. A campus 
memorial is tentatively planned for spring 2006.

--Kathleen Maclay

A partial list of publications of the late Murray B. Emeneau

Title      Dravidian and Indian linguistics / M.B. Emeneau.
Publisher  Berkeley: University of California, Center for South Asia
            Studies, 1962.

Title     A union list of printed Indic texts and translations in
           American libraries / compiled by M.   B. Emeneau, by the
           aid of a grant from the American Council Learned Societies.
Publisher New York: Kraus Reprint Corp., 1967, c1935.
Series    American Oriental series ;v. 7.
Note      Reprint of the ed. published by American Oriental Society,
            New Haven, Conn.
ISBN      0527026816

Title     Dravidian studies : selected papers / by M.B. Emeneau.
Publisher Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 1994.
Series    MLBD series in linguistics ;vol. 7]
ISBN      8120808584

Title    A Dravidian etymological dictionary by T. Burrow and M. B.
Publisher Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1961

Title    Ritual structure and language structure of the Todas.
Publisher Philadelphia, Oct. 1974.
Series   American Philosophical Society.Transactions, n.s.,v.64, pt.6
ISBN     0871696460 :

Title    Dravidian borrowings from Indo-Aryan,
Publisher Berkeley, University of California Press, 1962.
Series   University of California publications in linguistics;v. 26.

Title      Brahui and Dravidian comparative grammar.
Publisher  Berkeley, University of California Press, 1962.
Series     University of California publications in linguistics; v. 27.

Title      Toda songs [edited by] M. B. Emeneau.
Publisher  Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971.
ISBN       0198151292

Title     Toda grammar and texts.
Publisher Philadelphia : American Philosophical Society, c1984.
Series    Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society ;v. 155.

Title     Kolami, a Dravidian language, by M. B. Emeneau.
Edition  [2d.ed.]
Publisher Annamalainagar, Annamalai University, 1961.
Series    Annamalai University, Publications in linguistics, 2.

Title    Kota texts, pt. 1, by M.B. Emeneau.
Publisher Berkeley, University of California Press, 1944.
Series    University of California pubs in linguistics,v. 2, no. 1

Title      Kota texts.
Publisher  Berkeley, University of California Press, 1944-46.
Description  2 v.
Series    University of California pubs in linguistics, v.2-3

Title     Language and linguistic area : essays
Publisher Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1980.
ISBN      0804710473

Title     Sanskrit Sandhi and exercises
Edition   Second revised edition
Publisher Berkeley: University of California Press, 1968

Title    Jambhaladatta's version of the Vetalapancavinsati; a
          critical Sanskrit text in transliteration, with an
          introduction, and English translation, by M. B. Emeneau.
Publisher New Haven, Conn. American oriental society, 1934.
Series    American Oriental series,v.4
Note     "This edition of Jambhaladatta's version of the
           Vetalapancavinsati was submitted to the faculty of
           the Graduate School of Yale University in candidacy for
           the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1931." .


Author        Kalidasa.
Uniform Title [ Sakuntala.]
Title        Abhijnana-Sakuntala. Translated from the Bengali recension
               by M.B. Emeneau
Publisher   Berkeley, University of California Press, 1962.

Title       The strangling figs in Sanskrit literature
Publisher   Berkeley, Univ. of California P ress, 1949
Series    University of California pubs in classical philology,v. 13, no. 10

Title      Dravidian borrowings from Indo-Aryan, by M.B. Emeneau
            and T. Burrow
Publisher  Berkeley University of California Press 1962
Series     University of California pubs in linguistics, v. 26

Author     Bloomfield, Maurice, 1855-1928.
Title      Vedic variants: a study of the variant readings in the
            repeated mantras of the Veda
            by Maurice Bloomfield and Franklin Edgerton.
Publisher  Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania, 1930-
Description  3 v.
Series     Special publications of the Linguistic Society of America
Note       Vol 3 by M. Bloomfield, F. Edgerton and M.B. Emeneau.
Contents   v.1. The verb.--v.2. Phonetics.--v.3. Noun and pronoun

Title    Sanskrit studies of M.B. Emeneau : selected papers
           / edited by B.A. van Nooten.
Publisher   Berkeley, CA: University of California, Berkeley, 1988.
Series      Occasional paper / Center for South and Southeast Asia
             Studies, University of California, Berkeley; no. 13

Title     India and historical grammar; lecture on diffusion and
           evolution in comparative linguistics, and lecture on India
           and the linguistic areas delivered as special lectures at
           the Linguistics Dept. of the Annamalai University in 1959,
Publisher Annamalainagar: Annamalai University, 1965.
Series    Annamalai University pubs in linguistics, no.5

Title     Dravidian linguistics; ethnology and folktales; collected
Publisher Annamalainagar : Annamalai University, 1967.
Series    Annamalai University. Dept. of Linguistics. Pub no. 8

Title      Dravidian comparative phonology; a sketch.
Publisher  Annamalainagar : Annamalai University, 1970.
Series     Annamalai University. Dept. of Linguistics. Pub no. 22
Note       Revised version of the author's Sketch of Dravidian
            comparative phonology, 1959.

Title     Kolami, a Dravidian language.
Publisher Berkeley, University of California Press, 1955.
Series    University of California pubs in linguistics,v.12

Title     A course in Annamese. Lessons in the pronunciation and
           grammar of the Annamese language, prepared by M.B. Emeneau ...
           with the collaboration of Diether von den Steinen ...
Publisher Berkeley, Army Specialized Program, University of California,
Note      Multigraphed.

Title     An Annamese reader, prepared by Ly-duc-Lam, M.B. Emeneau,
           and Diether von den Steinen, for Army Specialized Training
           Program, University of California.
Publisher Berkeley, Calif., 1944.
Note      Reproduced from type-written copy.

Title     Studies in Vietnamese (Annamese) grammar.
Publisher Berkeley, University of California Press, 1951.
Series    University of California pubs in linguistics,v.8

Title     Studies in Indian linguistics : Professor M. B. Emeneau
           Sastipurti volume / edited by Bhadriraju Krishnamurti.
Publisher Poona : Centres of Advanced Study in Linguistics, Deccan
           College, and Annamalai University, 1968.

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