The adbuction of the lotus-flower by the king of elephants

Christophe Vielle vielle at ORI.UCL.AC.BE
Wed Sep 14 19:11:45 UTC 2005

Dear List,

about a king abducting a princess, I come across the following simile:

jahaara raajatanayaaM  gajaraa.d iva padminiim

I do not know any mythological story about a king of elephants abducting a
lotus-flower (of course, a possible meaning of padminii is "female
elephant", but the male elephant usually do not abduct the female).
Has somebody already come across this simile in kaavya, or such a story in
any kathaa?

Thank you,

Dr. Christophe Vielle
Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud
Institut orientaliste
Place Blaise Pascal 1
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel. +32-(0)10-47 49 54 (office)/ -(0)2-640 62 66 (home)
E-mail: vielle at

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