source of Sanskrit half-;sloka in Hindi piece
Peter Bisschop
Peter.Bisschop at ED.AC.UK
Mon Nov 7 17:13:16 UTC 2005
The verse quarter (harer naamaani kevalam) is found in the Venkatesvara
edition of the, but alas it does not form part of the
"sloka at issue:
yaj~ne"saacyuta govinda maadhavaananta ke"sava | h.r.siike"sa vaasudeva namo stu te || ViP_2,13.9||
iti raajaaha bharato harer naamaani kevalam |
The paada is absent in the text constituted in the critical edition
from Baroda:
yaj~ne"saacyuta govinda maadhavaananta ke"sava| h.r.siike"sety aaha raajaa sa kevalam || ViP 2,13.9||
Peter Bisschop
Asian Studies
7/8 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh EH8 9LW
United Kingdom
e-mail: Peter.Bisschop at
phone: +(0)131 650 4174
On 7 Nov 2005, at 12:41, Arlo Griffiths wrote:
> Thanks to Marina Orelskaya, Madhav Deshpande, Somdev Vasudeva, and
> Yuko Yokochi for responding to my query so helpfully. Alas the source
> remains untraced.
> To answer Yuko's question about the context, here is what our graduate
> student writes to me (quickly translated from the Dutch):
> "I would not expect too much from the context for the meaning of the
> verse. The piece is a farce with lots of dirty jokes, and the person
> citing the verse is a Bengali who is depicted as a dumb and unreliable
> figure. It may very well be his is trying to show off his would-be
> knowledge by reciting a piece of (grammatically and metrically)
> incorrect Sanskrit. But the context is this: the Bengali is speaking
> with a dumb pandit. The pandit is quite impressed.
> huqqevaalaa: bai.thie - ab sab dharmm lop ho gaye - aur devtaa bhii
> cale gae - kyo.mki:
> [half-;sloka]
> gobarganes: haa.m, mahaaraaj! ab to sab devtaa bhi gaye.
> huqqevaalaa: par keval hari kaa naam hii pratyak.s hai - "harer
> naamaani kevalam".
> gobarganes: haa.m, mahaaraaj aisaa hii hai.
> [Then the waterpipe-smoker tells how he gave a dried out tree water
> and brought it back to life. Gobarganes declares that the Huqqevaalaa
> is an incarnation of the .R.sis.]"
> I don't suppose the added verse-quarter (assuming it forms part of the
> same ;sloka) will be of much help to trace a source, at least none of
> the e-texts at my disposal yields a match for harer naamaani kevalam.
> Best wishes,
> Arlo Griffiths
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