Week's business

Harunaga Isaacson harunaga at SAS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Feb 21 03:53:49 UTC 2005

Dear all,

1) I add my yes vote for Dmitry Olenev, and since there were no nays I shall
sign him up.

2) Antonio Jardim likewise seems to me to meet requirements. I add my yes vote
to Madhav's, and since there were no nays shall sign him up too.

3) I shall write the Hindi Granth Karyalay informing them that we will not give
them posting priviledges.

4) I shall sign up Srilata Muller.

No other incoming mail seemed to really require action (I take it that noone
feels the need to forward the questionnaire on 'Originality and Legality of
four Veda's [sic] available' to the list).

And after this over, as usual, to Jan.

Best regards,


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