difficult terms

Tamar Reich treich at UCALGARY.CA
Tue Feb 1 17:36:26 UTC 2005

Could mantrasparza refer to the practice of nyaasa in Tantric ritual, in
which a person touches different parts of his body and utters a mantra,
thereby making different deities reside in these body parts?
Tamar Reich

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Bailey" <greg.bailey at LATROBE.EDU.AU>
To: <INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk>
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: difficult terms

> Dear List,
> I am finally tying up the ends of my translation of the Ga.nezapuraa.na.
> A few terms are still puzzling.  Any help would be much appreciated.
> 1.  vratabandha
> 2.  netradvaara
> 3. mantrasparza
> Thanks,
> Greg Bailey

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