Sanskrit recordings
Ashok Aklujkar
Fri Dec 30 02:07:36 UTC 2005
In no particular order and without confining myself to digital recordings
(for what I noted as available on cassettes may now be available on CDs):
My 1995 impression is that the following producer/seller was the best source
for Sanskrit stotra recordings: Sangeetha, 97-C, III Street, Kumaran Colony,
Vadapalani, Chennai 600 026. Probable Tels (91-44)-2483-8802/2483-882.
Hindu Seva Pratishthanam, Samskrita Vibhag, "Aksharam,Æ 7/32 Ranga Rao Rd.,
Bangalore 560 004 has produced several cassettes of Skt dialogues. I would
now expect them to be available on CDs. Some videos may also be available.
Recordings of modern Sanskrit literature read by its authors: 27 Nov 2002.
From: Allen W Thrasher <athr at LOC.GOV>. "... Library of Congress ... The
Sanskrit authors recorded are Rewa Prasad Dwivedi, Ram Karan Sharma, and
Rama Kant Shukla. ...The South Asian Literary Recordings Project [Real
Audio], Readings in 22 different
languages, including Nepali, and English, a brief profile of each author is
Skt stotras etc. sung by Swami Brahmånanda, Swami Tejomayånanda and others.
Ask for catalogue of Central Chinmaya Mission Trust (Audio Division),
Deenabandhu Devasthanam, CMH Road, Indiranagar, Bangalore 560 038.
22 Jan 2000. From: "Thomas C, Burke" <ThomasBurke at AOL.COM>. "There is
an old Folkways recording of several selections of the Valmiki Ramayana
(Folkways 09920, 1951), as recorded by S.R. Ranganathan, T.M.P. Mahadevan,
and Swami Nikhilananda. If I recall correctly, these passages formed one
side of an LP record containing Sanskrit material. This recording (I think
on cassette) can now be ordered from Smithsonian Folkways recordings:Æ
G.v. Iyer's Sanskrit movies Acharya Sri Shankara and Bhagavadgita have some
excellent recitations on the background of beautiful photography (although
the movies as feature films are weak because of (generally correct but) rare
and undramatic dialogue). I understand that these are now available on CDs
or VCDs. Try National Film Development Corporation, D-6 Srisagar Estate,
Worli, Bombay 400 019.
A recent movie of Mudraa-raak.sasa produced by Mr. Manish K. Mokshagundam.
(<mokshagundam at>. Director, Mokshagundam media [p] ltd. #72, D.V.G.
Rd, Basavana-gudi, Bangalore 560 004) is innovative and artistically better
than Iyer's.
Kathakali: Kottayam Plays in DVD: vedika <vedikathrissur at>. I
have inquired if these are in Sanskrit or Malayalam. I have so far not
received the specification.
Sanskrit audio recordings:
Sanskrit audio recordings:
Finally, if I may note, those cassettes of the five cassettes accompanying
my _Sanskrit: an Easy Introduction to an Enchanting Language_ on which the
connected passages are read. These will give you several dramatically read
simple narratives and dialogues and straight/musically unadorned recitations
of metrical compositions.
On 29-12-2005 16:48, "Matthew Kapstein" <mkapstei at UCHICAGO.EDU> wrote:
> Can anyone recommend some goods sources for digital
> recordings of spoken Sanskrit, Sanskrit poetry and dramatic
> recitation, etc.? Examples of the chants used for
> reciting various meters would be of particular interest.
> A recorded anthology of Sanskrit poetry, I suppose, is too
> much to hope for just yet.
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