Move of the INDOLOGY website

Arlo Griffiths arlo.griffiths at LET.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Mon Dec 5 14:05:41 UTC 2005

Dear Dominik,

Could you, or could Richard Mahoney, please inform me of the most  
closely allied Buddhological lists that you are aware of? I will soon  
need to post a job advertisement in this field...

Best wishes,


On Dec 2, 2005, at 10:00 PM, Dominik Wujastyk wrote:

> :: The INDOLOGY website is changing
> The INDOLOGY website will shortly be moving from one internet host  
> to another.  There will also be a major upgrade of the interface.   
> These changes are made possible by a grant from the British  
> Academy's Society for South Asian Studies, and the expertise of  
> Richard Mahoney in both indology and web programming.  I am most  
> grateful to the SSAS and to Richard for their support in making  
> these upgrades possible.
> :: What these changes will mean for you?
> The INDOLOGY website is officially at the address
> This web address will remain the same.  But there may be some  
> hiccups in the service over the next week or so, while we move this  
> address from one service provider to another.  This change takes  
> place behind the scenes, and the address  
> itself doesn't change.  I think that the shorter address http:// 
> will also work, but I won't be certain until the  
> change is complete.
> As I write this (Friday evening, 2 December), the longer address  
> may take you to a new dummy page, and the shorter one (without  
> "www") still takes you to the old indology pages.  These  
> transitional disturbances will settle down soon.
> :: What about the old UCL address?
> For many years the INDOLOGY website has run out of my personal  
> account at UCL, namely
> In fact, until now, the address was nothing more  
> than a redirection to my UCL account.
> My UCL address will continue to take you to the old INDOLOGY  
> website for a little while.  It's use is deprecated.  I would ask  
> you please not to use it in your own websites or bookmarks.  Soon,  
> I'll change it so that it automatically forwards your browser to  
> the new INDOLOGY website at .  But in the long  
> run it will die out as a reference to the INDOLOGY website.
> :: Now and the future
> Changing the INDOLOGY website interface has been fun.  But it also  
> long overdue.  Richard and I have discussed it and checked the new  
> site, although Richard deserves all the credit for its highly  
> professional styling and rigorous formal correctness.  The actual  
> content is broadly the same as the former website, although we have  
> done some work on dead links.  A future phase of the project will  
> -- subject to funding -- restructure and develop the content  
> substantially.
> Happy Christmas,
> Dominik

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