lac insect

J. L. Brockington J.L.Brockington at ED.AC.UK
Thu Apr 21 10:55:44 UTC 2005

Dear Colleagues,

I have seen the Indian lac insect (that produces the lac resin)
identified by various zoological names:  Laccifer lacca (= Tachardia
lacca), Kerria lac Kerr, Coccus lacca, Carteria lacca.  Does anyone
know which of these is the most recently accepted name among
zoologists/entomologists?  Or can you point me to an authoritative


John Brockington

Professor J. L. Brockington
Secretary General, International Association of Sanskrit Studies
Sanskrit, School of Asian Studies
7-8 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh  EH8 9LW      U.K.
tel: +131 650 4174

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