Indian Philosophy Brainless?

Plamen Gradinarov plamen at ORIENTALIA.ORG
Thu Sep 23 09:25:11 UTC 2004

Here is another interesting quote from Sir Brajendranath Seal's The Positive
Sciences of the Ancient Hindus (pp. 218-219):

In Caraka and Susruta (as in Aristotle) the heart is the central organ and
seat of consciousness; but in the Tantric writings (as in Galen) the seat of
consciousness is transferred to the brain or rather the cerebro-spinal
system. The soul (the Jiva) has its special seat within the Brahmarandhra
above the foramen of Monro and the middle commissure, but traverses the
whole cerebro-spinal axis, up and down, along the Susumna (the central
passage of the spinal cord). The Brahmadanda (vertebral column) contains the
Susumna, the Brahma Nadi, and the Manivaha Nadi. The cerebro-spinal axis
with the connected sympathetic system contains a number of ganglionic
centers and plexuses (Cakras, Padmas) from which nerves (Nadis, Siras,* and
Dhamanis) radiate over the head, trunk, and limba.
* The writers of the Yoga and Tantra schools use the term Nadi, by
preference, for nerves. They also mean cranial nerves when they speak of
Siras, never using the latter term for arteries, as in the older medical

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