Pune Sanskritists

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at UMICH.EDU
Tue Oct 26 22:11:24 UTC 2004

Two other articles that discuss the emergence of modern Marathi intellectual tradition are:

Ellen E. McDonald, "English Education and Social Reform in Late 19th Century Bombay: A Case Study in the Transmission of a Cultural Ideal,"  Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1966, pp. 453-470.

Richard Tucker, "Hindu Traditionalism and Nationalist Ideologies in 19th Century Maharashtra," Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1976, 321-348.

I would like to note that prominent Pune/Mumbai Sanskritists like Bhandarkar, Telang, Bhau Daji Lad, and Tilak were deeply involved in modern education movements and issues of social and political reforms.  

Madhav Deshpande

-----Original Message-----
From: Indology on behalf of Madhav Deshpande
Sent: Tue 10/26/2004 3:45 PM
To: INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk
Subject:      Re: Pune Sanskritists
You may find some useful discussion on this matter in my article "Pandit and Professor: Transformations in the 19th Century Maharashtra" published in the Volume: The Pandit, Traditional Scholarship in India, edited by Axel Michaels, Manohar, Delhi, 2001, pp. 119-164; and in my forthcoming article "Aryan Origins: Arguments from the 19th Century Maharashtra" appearing in the Aryan Debate volume edited by Ed Bryant and Laurie Patton.  Also useful is the article by Mahadev L Apte, "Lokahitavadi and V.K. Chiplunkar: Spokesmen of Change in Nineteenth Century Maharashtra," in Modern Asian Studies, Volume 7, No. 2, 1973, pp. 193-208.  Such demands for change were perhaps more vocal in Maharashtra, and the Pune Sanskritists were perhaps just a subset of the Marathi intellectuals involved in the larger process of change.

Madhav Deshpande

-----Original Message-----
From: Indology on behalf of Gary Tubb
Sent: Tue 10/26/2004 12:02 PM
To: INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk
Subject:      Pune Sanskritists
A colleague has asked for help in finding secondary sources that deal with
the Pune Sanskritists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century
and how their scholarship, ideology, and overall orientation was viewed as
different from what was found in other places such as Benares or Calcutta.

The Pune Sanskritists have, for example, been referred to as "scientific"
or as "instrumental rationalists."  Where might one read about such

Gary Tubb.

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