Advanced Spoken Sanskrit course in Varanasi

Axel Michaels Axel.Michaels at URZ.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
Wed Nov 17 12:24:46 UTC 2004

I am happy to let you know that next year the already 6th sixth
International Summer School in Spoken Sanskrit with Dr.Sadananda Das will be
organized at the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University. Details will
follow in due time. For the history of this institution see: and then click "Sanskrit
Summer School".

Sadananda's work has been officially recognized by the fact that the
Language Teaching Programmes of the South Asia Institute has been awarded a
Regional Teaching Award ("Landeslehrpreis") from the Federal State
Baden-Württemberg. This enables us for the first time to announce
scholarships for interested students.

Axel Michaels

Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels
Direktor der Abt. Klassische Indologie; Sprecher des SFB 619
(Ritualdynamik); Sprecher des DFG-Kollegiums 106
Südasien-Institut der Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 330
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel. +49-6221-548917 / Fax +49-6221-546338

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