mini-seminar Vedic studies: 12 november

Jan E.M. Houben j_e_m_houben at YAHOO.COM
Mon Nov 8 18:16:39 UTC 2004

For Indologists in the Netherlands and Belgium:
The Association of Friends of the Kern Institute
has the pleasure to invite you to attend the
following activity on Vedic Studies:

Vedic Studies: archeology, linguistics and vedic
Mini-seminar on the occasion of the 65th birthday
of Prof. Henk Bodewitz
12 November 2004
Venue: University of Leiden, Nonnensteeg 1-3,
room 329.

The programme is as follows:

�       15:00 Opening
�       15:15 Prof. Dr. Asko Parpola (Helsinki): "Vedic
religion from the perspective of Eurasian
archaeology and linguistics: On the cult of the
twin gods (the A�vins) associated with the
horse-drawn chariot"
�       16:00 Response by Prof. H.W. Bodewitz
�       16:15 Presentation of The Vedas: Texts,
Language and Ritual: Proceedings of the Third
International Vedic Workshop (Groningen: Forsten,
2004) to Prof. Henk Bodewitz
�       16:30 � 18:00 Drinks in the Canteen, opposite
to room 329


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