Convert Devanagari into romanized text: any automatic tools?

Sun Mar 21 01:11:53 UTC 2004

Dear Birgit,

On Sat, Mar 20, 2004 at 07:26:13PM +0100, Birgit Kellner wrote:
> No, I'm not talking about OCR.
> What I'm talking about is that in Devanagari, words are not always
> separated by spaces, but in romanized Sanskrit they are. I am talking
> about conversion from non-separated Devanagari text to romanized text
> where all words are separated with spaces. If you know of any macros
> that can do this, please let me know. I'm having a hard time even
> imagining this would be possible, let alone writing macros for this
> purpose ...

December last, Peter Scharf mentioned that he and a colleague were
working on producing `morphological generation and analysis software
for Sanskrit'. This software may be able to parse non-separated
Devanagari text and then convert it into separated Romanised text. You
might like to mail Scharf about the status of his project.

Kind regards,


Richard MAHONEY | internet:
Littledene      | telephone / telefax (man.): ++64 3 312 1699
Bay Road        | cellular: ++64 25 829 986
OXFORD, NZ      | e-mail: r.mahoney at

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