Convert Devanagari into romanized text: any automatic tools?

Birgit Kellner birgit.kellner at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Sat Mar 20 18:26:13 UTC 2004

No, I'm not talking about OCR.

What I'm talking about is that in Devanagari, words are not always
separated by spaces, but in romanized Sanskrit they are. I am talking
about conversion from non-separated Devanagari text to romanized text
where all words are separated with spaces. If you know of any macros
that can do this, please let me know. I'm having a hard time even
imagining this would be possible, let alone writing macros for this
purpose ...

Best regards,

Birgit Kellner

Matthew Kapstein wrote:

>Are you referring to the conversion of scanned text,
>that is to say, a system of Devanagari optical character recognition?
>The convention of writing Devangari with a bar linking the syllables
>has posed an obstacle for software development in this area.
>Perhaps some of the other list members are more up to date than
>I in their knowledge of current progress to resolve this.
>But if you are speaking of conversion of coded devanagari input,
>unicode or otherwise, there should be no formal obstacle to
>the creation of suitable conversion macros.
>Matthew Kapstein

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