Sanskrit syntax problem: Double bind constructions
Arlo Griffiths
Mon Mar 15 08:05:11 UTC 2004
> MW, in his typically frustrating
> manner, says that it's found in commentaries on Mahabharata, 'Saankhaayana
>, and Taittiriya Prati'saakhya, but declines to cite passages.
As usual, MW's source is PW. I quote from vol. VII, col. 976f.:
si.mhaavalokita n. des Löwen Art und Weise zu blicken: mugdhabaala° adj.
Bhaag. P. 3,2,28 instr. °nena und °nyaayena so, dass man bald vorwärts, bald
rückwärts schaut, d. i. bald weiter greift, bald auf etwas Abgemachtes
wieder zurückkommt Comm. zu TS. Praat. 2,51. 4,4. 13,3.15 zu ;Saa:nkh. Br.
13,6. 9. 16,1. Niilak. zu MBh. 3,14176.
Accessible to me right now is only Whitney's ed. [New Haven 1868/reprint
MLBD 1973] of the Taittiriiyapraati;saakhya. There I indeed find the word
si.mhaavalokitanyaaya- in the commentary (given in footnotes) on 2.51, 4.4,
13.3, and 13.15. The comm. on the ;Saa:nkhaayana = Kau.siitaki
for which no published source is quoted in vol. I of PW (p. IX), may be
Udaya's Vyaakhyaa edithed by E.R. Sreekrishna Sarma, Wiesbaden 1976.
-- Arlo Griffiths
CNWS / Instituut Kern
Universiteit Leiden
Postbus 9515
2300 RA Leiden
the Netherlands
tel.: +31-71-5274128
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