Sanskrit syntax problem: Double bind constructions

Harunaga Isaacson harunaga at SAS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Mar 15 07:12:57 UTC 2004

Quoting Lawrence McCrea <ljmccrea at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU>:

>      I can't point you to any secondary literature on this phenomenon, but it
> is quite common and well-known within the tradition.  The principle that
> allows
> terms to construe backwards and forwards at the same time is generally
> referred
> to as the "si.mha-avalokana-nyaya"-- "the rule of the lion's glance".

A very minor comment indeed: in my experience at least this indeed commonly
invoked principle is generally referred to in primary sources (I have seen it
in "saastric literature of various kinds, including Nyaaya and,
kaavya-commentaries, tantra-commentaries etc.) as si.mhaavalokitanyaaya rather
than as si.mhaavalokananyaaya.

Harunaga Isaacson

Harunaga Isaacson

Temporary departmental address (during the academic year 2003--2004):

South Asia Studies
University of Pennsylvania
3600 Market Street, Suite 501B
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2653
tel. +1 215 898 6047

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