Makara Website

John Huntington huntington.2 at OSU.EDU
Mon Feb 16 16:35:54 UTC 2004

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to Andrew LaMoreaux, the Huntington archive's imaging specialist

I am able to share with those who wish to see them the Makara the
images I have been referring to in the "Makara" discussion.

It is at:

Or it may be accessed from the home page  through "Projects" then
"Indology Images & Discussion."

I have added a makara from the Jivarama Sketchbook of N.S. 555, to
help explain the painting I referred to in the Circle of Bliss and a
large detail of that painting. In addition I have also added two very
different makara from the same time and place, Vasu Vinhar, a 6th
century site in Bangla Desh.



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