13th World Sanskrit Conference

John Brockington J.L.Brockington at ED.AC.UK
Mon Feb 9 10:40:46 UTC 2004

Dear Colleagues,

There is now a website for the 13th World Sanskrit Conference to be held in
Edinburgh in July 2006, which contains basic details and will be updated and
expanded in due course as more details are decided and information becomes
available.  It is at <http://www.arts.ed.ac.uk/sanskrit/13thWSC> and it
includes a form for registration of interest.


John Brockington

Professor J. L. Brockington
Secretary General, International Association of Sanskrit Studies

Sanskrit, School of Asian Studies
7-8 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh   EH8 9LW        U.K.

tel:  +131 650 4174
fax: +131 651 1258

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