Oslo or Bonn?
Thu Sep 11 16:38:50 UTC 2003
Dear Dr. Karttunen,
apart from the candidates you named for the Lassen bequest - Oslo
and Bonn (at least two there; see below) - several other libraries in
Germany hold autographs (letters, papers) and other materials
connected with Christian Lassen.
You can check this in Kalliope, a union catalogue for autographs
etc. in German libraries (under construction):
Since this may be useful in other such cases, here is a short
- click "Sucheinstieg Personen"
- enter the "Lassen, Christian" (and fill in other fields, if possible)
- click "Suchen"
- tick the right "Lassen" (obviously no.2)
- click "Vollanzeige"
Under "Pauschale Standortübersicht" you find all libraries holding
such materials relating to Lassen; these entries are unspecified and
may refer to anything from a single letter written by, or addressed
to, Lassen, or sizeable bequests.
Under "Einzelautographen nachgewiesen" you find those libraries of
the above list that have already contributed entries for individual
items of their holdings, in this case 23 mss. by Lassen, and 25
addressed to him. Especially this second list will grow with the
progress of cataloguing.
I know you are an expert in these things, so you probably didn't
need that help.
I'm confident that Kallliope will become an indispensible tool for
anyone trying to study the history of "German Indology" in a
responsible manner.
Best regards
Reinhold Grünendahl
Dr. Reinhold Gruenendahl
Niedersaechsische Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek
Fachreferat sued- und suedostasiatische Philologien
(Dept. of Indology)
37070 Göttingen, Germany
Tel (+49) (0)5 51 / 39 52 83
Fax (+49) (0)5 51 / 39 23 61
gruenen at mail.sub.uni-goettingen.de
In English:
GRETIL - Goettingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages
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