12th WSC - Web-site updated

Stella Sandahl ssandahl at EAGLE.CA
Wed May 21 16:13:55 UTC 2003

Dear Petteri Koskikallio,
 Just to let you know that I am still waiting for my conference funding.
That's why I haven't paid registration fee nor hotel reservation as yet.
Hope the Chair coughs up some money in the next short while. I'll get back
to  you.
Say hello to Asko.
Stella Sandahl o

n 21/05/03 11:05, Petteri Koskikallio at Petteri.Koskikallio at HELSINKI.FI

> The web-site of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference has recently been
> updated. The address is still the same, i.e. the following:
> http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/aakkl/12wsc
> The pages contain a tentative timetable of the conference week, list of
> participants & titles of their papers, and much more practical
> information. We plan to update the list of participants a few times
> before the conference week in July.
> Petteri Koskikallio
> Conference Secretary

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