FW: Kailash Journal digitised and online - Volume 1, Number 1

Arlo Griffiths A.Griffiths at LET.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Thu May 1 10:02:02 UTC 2003

From: "Mark Turin" <markturin at compuserve.com>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 00:02:44 -0400
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Kailash Journal digitised and online - Volume 1, Number 1

Ithaca, NY
29 April, 2003

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As part of the Digital Himalaya Project, we continue to experiment with
making archival resources on the Himalayan region available to a wider
audience. While our previous forays have been into film and photography,
the Digital Himalaya team have now successfully digitised Volume 1,
Number 1 (1973) of KAILASH  - Journal of Himalayan Studies. The articles
from this volume are now freely downloadable as PDF documents.

Click the link below and then on the yellow link labelled NEW in the
middle of the page:


Please take a moment to view the page and forward this email to your
friends and colleagues in the Himalayan studies community.

Good wishes,


Mark Turin
Digital Himalaya Project
Department of Anthropology
Cornell University
260 McGraw Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-4601

fax: 607-255-3747

email: mt272 at cornell.edu
url: <www.digitalhimalaya.com> and <www.thdl.org>
url personal: <www.iias.nl/host/himalaya/turin.html>

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