Tibetan text availablility

Jonathan Silk silk at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Tue Jun 17 20:24:17 UTC 2003

>Joseph Walser wrote to ask about the Japanese CDROM edition of the
>Derge. Indeed, it exists, according to the website that he cites.
>And it is yours--for the people's price (as Karl Pohrt of Shaman
>Drum books in Ann Arbor used to say) of about (assuming 100 = yen =
>US $1) $4000 for the Kanjur, and another $4000 for the Tanjur. But
>the Dharma is priceless, right?

Gene Smith and TBRC are obviously involved in this project for some
other reason than to make their boat payments; the Kanjur from TBRC
is $195 for individuals. You decide.

(I assume, althoughthe web site does not say so, that the basis of
the Koyasan CD version is the copy of the Derge held at Koyasan. My
memory, although I may wrong about this, is that this is not the
first printing [parphu], but a subsequent printing which has slight
internal adjustments. It is also somewhere in my brain that this copy
may correspond completely, as the parphu does not, to the Tohoku
catalogue. This means, by the way, that there are slight variations
between the so-called Rumtek edition reproduced in the TBRC Derge
Kanjur and the Tohoku catalogue; in almost all cases, however, the
correspondences should be transparent.

Hope this helps, jonathan silk
Jonathan Silk
Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures
Center for Buddhist Studies
290 Royce Hall
Box 951540
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540
phone: (310)206-8235
fax:  (310)825-8808
silk at humnet.ucla.edu

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