Sanskrit word order sort program

Peter M. Scharf Scharf at BROWN.EDU
Fri Jul 25 23:58:58 UTC 2003

We have a Sanskrit sort program but have not yet posted it at our
website.  We have plans to post this and other programs at and will do so soon.  We'll post an announcement
when it is publicly available.  If you have a Perl environment
installed, we can send you the program to run locally in the
meantime.  We conduct sorting in a phonological encoding and
transliterate to and from it from Harvard-Kyoto, CSX, and Unicode
Peter Scharf
Peter M. Scharf             (401) 863-2720 office
Department of Classics      (401) 863-2123 dept
Brown University
PO Box 1856                 (401) 863-7484 fax
Providence, RI 02912        Scharf at

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