XML/TEI-Sanskrit texts, anyone?

Richard Mahoney rbm49 at EXT.CANTERBURY.AC.NZ
Wed Feb 26 21:21:17 UTC 2003

On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 06:08:15PM +0100, Birgit Kellner wrote:

> The potential of XML/XSLT, in combination with the TEI guidelines,
> is really amazing. I'm just starting to look into all these things
> ...


> I would appreciate any information about similar projects.

Although not based on TEI the following system is perhaps worth


It can generate high quality LaTeX, HTML, XHTML, and DocBook output
from a single UTF8 XML source file. The author is also open to
suggestions. When I first used the system it didn't support the
standard diacritics needed for romanized Sanskrit. I asked the author
if support could be added and a few hours latter it was there. It is
also simple to add support for additional characters oneself.

Best regards,

 Richard Mahoney

Richard Mahoney    |  E-mail: rbm49 at ext.canterbury.ac.nz
78 Jeffreys Road   |          r.mahoney at comnet.net.nz
Fendalton          |  Telephone: 0064-3-351-5831
CHRISTCHURCH 8005  |  Cellular: 0064-25-829-986
NEW ZEALAND        |  http://homepages.comnet.co.nz/~r-mahoney

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