CSX+ Encoding and other Encodings used by Indologists (fwd)

mccomas mccomas at CRES.ANU.EDU.AU
Mon Nov 25 22:19:29 UTC 2002

Dear Friends

I had a look at some of the Unicode fonts earlier in the year. They seemed
to support all the diacritics that I needed. The major problem for me was
that the two of the packages I use, NVivo and Endnote, did not support
Unicode, so I stuck with Times CSX. If you are considering a shift to
Unicode, make sure that the packages you use can handle it.

With greetings


. At 11:40  25/11/02 -0800, you wrote:
> > but a lot of diacritical letters required for
> > translitering Indic scripts have not been defined by the Unicode
> > consortium
>Could you give examples?  In my experience, all characters used in
>Indology _are_ in Unicode; for a very few, one has to use combining
>diacritics, but most are even available precomposed, and this
>difference would be hidden from the end user anyway.  Maybe you would
>like to give the Gandhari Unicode font a try:
>    http://depts.washington.edu/ebmp/software.html
>This is a font that does cover all Indological diacritics, and in
>recent versions does not use the Private Use Area anymore.  I do think
>that Unicode is the one character encoding that Indologists should
>migrate to, and then the regrettable incompabilities between
>institute's private encodings that you mention will disappear.
>Best regards,
>Stefan Baums
>Stefan Baums
>Asian Languages and Literature
>University of Washington

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