nAsty udyamasamo bandhu.h

Stefan Baums sbaums at GMX.NET
Thu Jan 24 20:13:51 UTC 2002

Thank you very much.  My mistake was assuming that Kosambi's index is
of padas whereas it actually is of the slokas' first padas only.  For
what it's worth, I have since been able to locate it in Kale's "The
Niti and Vairagya Satakas of Bhartrhari", 7th ed. 1971, p. 43.

It would interesting to find out what form of Bhartrhari's text was
available to Rask (who died in 1832): pAda d is nAvasIdati

on the gravestone, a reading that Kosambi cites for the Western
(Maharashtrian) version of the text, while adopting

   krtvA ya.m nAvasIdati

in his textus constructus.  I seem to recall that there is a
manuscript of the Satakatrayam among those Rask brought back from his
travels (which did take him to Bombay en route to Ceylon), but I can
first verify that next week when I'm back in Copenhagen.

Best regards,
Stefan Baums

Stefan Baums
Københavns Universitet

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